Approaching Fat Loss - Starting With Food

When approached in the right way, fat loss CAN enhance your wellbeing.

On the flip side, pursuing extremes or going about it the wrong way can end up hurting both your health and your overall quality of life.

Often we hear things like “just eat less and move more!” and while that does hold SOME weight, there is more to consider.

I spent years trying a variety of unsustainable approaches and one of the hardest parts was this:

Each time, I would see some results… BUT they never lasted.

I thought I was the problem - I just needed to try harder and have more willpower!

Of course, hindsight is 20/20. I can now recognize so damn clearly that my methods were seriously flawed.

The approaches I took to fat loss were never sustainable so of course the results never were either.

If you’re pursuing a fat loss goal, the question I want you to come back to again and again is…

Is this sustainable?

If the answer is NO, then it’s time to figure out a better way.

Today we’ll begin to explore fat loss related specifically to nutrition, with more to come over the next few weeks!

Here's a common mistake I see many women making. They often focus on reducing their overall food intake by choosing low-calorie options, but what they tend to miss is the importance of macronutrients, especially protein.

Because of this, I often observe & hear of…

  • Increased hunger

  • Decrease muscle tone and strength (possibly more prone to injury)

  • Impaired digestion

  • And ultimately short-lived changes in weight

If you know me, then you likely won't be surprised to hear me say that protein is a game-changer, especially when it comes to fat loss.

Creating a slight caloric deficit is helpful (more on this in my next newsletter) but the deficit should primarily come from a decrease in fats and carbohydrates. Your protein intake should remain constant, regardless of your goal.

Protein reigns supreme when it comes to preserving and building muscle mass, which is not only vital for health but also plays a significant role in body composition (alongside the right training regimen). It’s also incredible effective at keeping you satiated!

A solid target is to strive for 25-30% of your daily calories to come from protein, which often means around 120g or more daily (my ready-made meal plans and customized meal plans always include this!)

As long as you meet this protein goal, you can be flexible with how you allocate the remaining calories between carbohydrates and fats. However, it's crucial to avoid going too low on either of these - both carbs and fats play vital roles in our diets!

Food Tips For Fat Loss

  • Prepare Your Own Meals: I cannot stress the importance of this enough! There is so much power in truly knowing what you’re eating and aligning that with your needs.

  • Prioritize Animal Protein*: Build up to at least 30g per meal (120g+ per day), along with fibre, quality carbs, and fats.

  • Focus on Unrefined and Unprocessed Foods: These should be your go-to options. Refined and processed foods are more likely to be calorically dense & nutrient void, as well as hyper palatable making it easy for them to be over consumed. I’m not saying to avoid them at all costs, but I recommend keeping it to a minimum. 

  • Make Your Meals Enjoyable: Try new recipes and make cooking and eating something you enjoy! This is a game-changer for making it SUSTAINABLE.

*One of the challenges of fat loss for vegetarians or vegans is that the protein in plant-based foods often comes bundled with carbohydrates, making it more challenging to achieve the ideal protein intake without an excess of carbs.

plant-based protein tends to be less bioavailable compared to animal protein. So, even if a label claims 6g of protein in your spoon of peanut butter, you're actually absorbing a significantly lower amount."

Let me know what you’re enjoying learning more about or if you have any questions! I’d love to hear from you.

I do my best to make new information easy for you to understand and adapt to your unique needs. I also recognize that at times, it can still be challenging to navigate this journey on your own.

I’m here to help you find a path to your goals and make it last.

Send me a message to learn more about how I can help support you on your journey!


Tracking food & creating a calorie deficit


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