Hormones Giving you hell?
A couple of years back, I found myself baffled by what was happening to my body.
I experienced …
weight gain
a persistent sense of puffiness and inflammation
unrelenting fatigue
nightly 3 AM awakenings where I struggled to fall back asleep
thinning hair
the unwelcome arrival of PMS symptoms up to a week before my period (meaning I felt like crap for at least 8-12 days every month)
Over time, I was able to connect the dots and understand WHY my hormones were taking me for a ride.
I started addressing the fundamental issues causing my hormonal imbalances and that’s when I truly started to THRIVE.
The extra weight shed right off (and now feels easy to maintain), my sleep was restored, my energy came flooding back (better than ever), & my periods became EASY.
If you resonate with my experience or these symptoms, you may be dealing with ESTROGEN DOMINANCE:
Weight gain (esp. around stomach, hips, butt, thighs)
Poor thyroid function (weight gain, fatigue, gut issues, hair loss, cold hands/feet)
PMS (cramping, depression, anxiety, crying spells, fatigue, sleep issues, cravings, breast tenderness)
Menstrual problems (very heavy with clots or very light, irregular periods, spotting before cycles, shorter cycles around 21-24 days)
Fibrocystic breasts
Low libido
Mood disorders (depression, anxiety, irritability)
Night sweats
Fertility issues
Water retention/bloating
Dry skin
It is when the ratio of estrogen to progesterone is imbalanced, with estrogen taking the lead.
This can happen due to excess estrogen, a lack of progesterone, or a combination of BOTH.
Environmental estrogens (xenoestrogens):
Compounds which mimic estrogen in the body but are MUCH stronger.
Found in plastics, tap water, pesticides/herbicides in food (but also tampons!), beauty and personal care products with parabens and phthalates, synthetic fragrances, industrial chemicals like solvents, & conventional cleaning products.
Poor liver function/detoxification:
The liver is mainly responsible for metabolizing and eliminating estrogen to avoid accumulation.
High Stress:
Chronically high cortisol greatly impacts our ability to make adequate progesterone & contribute to imbalance.
Poor gut health:
A healthy gut plays a crucial role in metabolizing and excreting estrogen.
If this is compromised, there is more reabsorption of estrogen metabolites back into the bloodstream.
Constipation can also prolong the transit time of stool in the intestines, potentially allowing more time for the reabsorption of estrogen as well.
Poor diet:
Lack of vitamins & minerals, poor quality fats, inadequate protein, excess sugar intake, poor blood sugar regulation, & a lack of fibre can contribute to poor gut & liver health which are vital for hormonal balance as previously mentioned.
Increased body fat:
Especially around the midsection (visceral) can promote a higher production of estrogen.
Your body fat isn't just a storage site; it's also active, producing various substances, including hormones.
Hormonal birth control:
Hormonal birth control methods commonly include synthetic estrogen and progestin (NOT the same as progesterone), contributing to elevated estrogen levels in the body.
Additionally, these contraceptives can influence various mechanisms responsible for maintaining hormonal balance in the body.
Also, hormonal contraceptives are metabolized in the liver, and any inefficiencies in this process could result in a buildup of estrogen.
At the end of my blog post on liver support, I provided you with a lineup of strategies to support your liver. The good news is that by honing in on these vital aspects, you'll not only support your liver but also make strides in addressing the other factors listed above!
Opt for non-hormonal birth control methods if possible
Prioritize gut health: include collagen and gelatin rich foods/drinks (or supplement) daily, 1-2 tbsp/day fermented foods (raw & unpasteurized kimchi or sauerkraut), avoid gut irritants often found in processed & refined foods (including artificial sweeteners), & most importantly - manages STRESS!
↑ muscle mass, ↓ fat mass through regular strength training, high protein diet, high quality sleep… (revisit my 4 part fat-loss series on (1) proper macros, (2) creating a calorie deficit, (3) exercise/movement, & (4) sleep)
Be sure to stay tuned for next week’s newsletter where I’ll be sharing a few of my favourite techniques to help eliminate estrogen!
Remember, small changes add up to BIG results. Just start somewhere and be patient with your body, you’ve got this! :)
Hit reply with questions if you have any - I’m here!